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Homemade Delicious Smelling Coffee Body Scrub

Like most ingredients in our pantry, coffee also serves multiple purposes. And one of its benefits include being used as an amazing body scrub. Coffee Scrub sloughs away dead skin cells and leaves your skin buttery smooth. Not just that, it leaves behind a heady and light aroma of coffee, that is oh-so-invigorating!

Coffee Scrub - 1

Why is Coffee good when applied on skin?

Coffee when used on the skin gently has lot of benefits.

1. Coffee is a great physical exfoliant and removes the dead skin to reveal soft and supple skin
2. Caffeic acid in coffee is antimicrobial
3. Coffee may also help reduce cellulite
4. Caffeine in coffee can also reduce puffy eyes when used topically

Should you use Coffee Scrubs on your face?

Avoid using coffee scrub on your face, as it is abrasive and can cause microtears on your facial skin. 

What type of Coffee to use for your scrub?

Most of us have instant coffee in our kitchens, and you can make do with that or any other coffee powder as well. In case you have whole coffee beans, then you can grind it and use it as well.

If you have filter coffee powder, then you should definitely give that a try over instant coffee powder. As it is more coarser and will be more gentle on the skin as a body scrub than instant coffee powder.

DIY Coffee Scrub & Coffee Eye Mask

Coffee scrubs are great way to exfoliate your body. It is also easy to put together (in less than 5 minutes) and is easy on the pocket as well.

Coffee Eye Mask 


1. 1 tsp instant coffee powder/ground coffee
2. 1 tsp honey/water

Ratio – 1:1


Mix 1 tablespoon coffee with equal amount of honey/water. If you don’t want a sticky mask, then just make do with water. Apply it under your eyes and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and follow with a face serum.

Coffee & Coconut Body Scrub


1. 2 tbsp ground coffee (instant, filter or any ground coffee)
2. 2 tbsp packed brown sugar/white sugar
3. 2 tbsp coconut oil
4. 0.5 tbsp dried coconut (optional)

Ratio – 1:1:1:0.5


Mix equal parts of coffee, sugar and coconut oil. You can add some grated dried coconut if you have that. Scoop out in small amounts and start rubbing it all over your body in gentle circular motions. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Coffee & Coconut Body Scrub for Sensitive Skin


1. 2 tbsp ground coffee (instant, filter or any ground coffee)
2. 2 tbsp packed brown sugar/white sugar
3. 2 tbsp honey

Ratio – 1:1:1


Mix coffee, sugar and honey. If you think that the scrub is too sticky, then add a splash of water to it. Scoop out and rub it in gentle circular motions. Wash off with lukewarm water.

You can also add in other ingredients to create your own variation. Maybe cinnamon, nutmeg?

Note: To make a jar of coffee scrub, use the ingredients in the ratio mentioned, and store it in a airtight jar in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Does Coffee Stain or Darken Skin?

No, coffee when used as a scrub will not darken your skin. But, there is a chance that the brown color of coffee may stay on your skin and stain your clothes. So, avoid using white towels if you can.

Coffee Scrub for Acne Prone Skin

Coffee helps slough off dead skin and helps unclog pores as well. But, if you have body acne, with active cysts then you should avoid using coffee scrub as it may be too abrasive for you skin.

If you still want to try the body scrub, do it while removing coconut oil and adding a non-comedogenic oil to the scrub instead. You can try oils like rosehip, squalene or jojoba.

How to Use Coffee Scrub?

You should use coffee scrub after you’ve cleansed your skin with soap, body wash etc. Basically as a last step in your bath routine. Apply the scrub when your body is still wet.

If you are shaving your legs or hands, then using coffee scrub after you shave can also help prevent ingrown hair.

How often to apply?

Coffee is an extremely good and strong exfoliator. That being said, you should limit your usage of the scrub to once or twice a week.

Should you buy Coffee Scrubs?

Not really. While coffee scrubs that are available in the market may have smoother grains for lesser abrasive exfoliation. But they do also add lot of additives that are unnecessary. Plus, you end up paying almost Rs 400 for 100gms of product – which you can make at home with basic kitchen ingredients.

But, if you do want to avoid the hassle of making something, then you could obviously buy a coffee body scrub from the market.

Some coffee scrubs in the market that you can try are:
1. Plum Coffee Wake-a-ccino Body Scrub (has coffee, sugar, walnut shell for exfoliation)
2. BLISCENT Natural Coffee & Almond Oil Body Scrub (Organic Scrub, with just five ingredients)

Or just about any coffee scrub in the market will do. 🙂